As you know, there are many testosterone boosters out there. With so many of these supplements out there, it can really make your head spin! That thought became the basis for my Testogen review.

It seems that almost every other week that I am hearing about the next thing that can increase my body’s testosterone production.

I’m sure you know what I’m talking about, another new supplement claiming to be the next big thing.

There are bulking stacks, pre-workouts, and testosterone supplements, all of which claim to help you gain more muscle.

I’ve been hearing a lot of good things about a supplement called Testogen. Being curious about trying it, I figured it might make an interesting article for this growing website.

In this Testogen review, we’ll take a look at what this supplement is, its ingredients, and my results after trying it.

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What is Testogen?

First, let’s look at what Testogen is. Testogen is a testosterone boosting supplement. I’m sure you can figure out what testosterone boosters were made to do and that’s to increase your testosterone levels.

Now, it’s important that you don’t confuse over-the-counter testosterone with prescription testosterone or anabolic steroids. These products are all vastly different from each other.

Testogen is an over-the-counter testosterone booster. This type of natural testosterone booster is available for purchase in certain supplement stores and through various websites online.

Prescription testosterone, while stronger in most cases, is only available with a doctor’s prescription. This would be obtainable with testosterone replacement therapy. Getting this type of testosterone first requires scheduling a doctor’s visit and having this person deem you eligible for this type of medication. Anabolic steroids, on the other hand, are illegal and potentially dangerous.

Testogen promises all-natural ingredients that will boost your testosterone, no filler or stuff that doesn’t work.

What Ingredients Are in Testogen?

testogen ingredients

Before you read my Testogen review, it’s understandable to want to know what’s in this supplement. Fortunately, Testogen is a supplement that’s backed by scientifically proven and effective ingredients. Here’s more information about what’s in Testogen.

D-Aspartic Acid – 2,352mg

One thing that I love about this supplement is that it contains D-Aspartic Acid. This ingredient is something that I have taken by itself. It works great for boosting my testosterone and getting great results in the gym. To see it in Testogen is a good sign.

One study found that D-Aspartic Acid can help boost testosterone production by up to 45% in a few weeks. If you want to raise your testosterone, dietary supplements that contain D-Aspartic Acid can help you out. Some people also find that this ingredient helps them achieve faster muscle growth.

Vitamin D3 – 50mcg

Another beneficial ingredient that might help boost testosterone levels is vitamin D3. This vitamin is usually obtained from exposure to the sun. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy for people to have time to spend the day soaking up the sun’s rays.

Without Vitamin D, lots of things can go wrong with how you feel. One of these drawbacks is having lower testosterone. Numerous studies link a lack of vitamin D3 to low testosterone levels.

Having this ingredient in Testogen means it can naturally raise your testosterone levels by increasing the amount of Vitamin D3 you’re consuming each day. Continuing to consume this vitamin found in Testogen can also help you out if you have a vitamin D deficiency.

Magnesium – 200mg

As I learned while preparing my Testogen review, each serving of this supplement provides you with 200 milligrams of magnesium. So, what is this ingredient? Magnesium is typically found in a range of foods, mostly leafy vegetables.

Did you know that magnesium is required to complete over 300 separate functions in your body? Because of this magnesium supplementation can have you feeling great in no time.

If you’re like me, someone who hasn’t developed grown-up food choices, you don’t like most leafy vegetables. Even if you do, you might not enjoy these foods enough to meet your daily magnesium requirements. Magnesium supplementation can even be part of a natural testosterone treatment plan.

Nettle Leaf Extract – 40mg

One of the most popular ancient remedies involves the use of nettle leaf extract. This powerful herbal ingredient was once used by Egyptians to prevent lower back pain. In the past, people simply applied the actual nettle leaf against their skin. Fortunately, you don’t have to do this and can instead take a supplement containing nettle leaf.

When it comes to boosting your testosterone, nettle leaf extract is a powerful ingredient. Nettle leaf prevents a protein known as SHBG from binding to the testosterone flowing throughout your body. If any SHBG binds to your testosterone, it prevents it from circulating freely.

Whether you’re struggling with low energy levels, weight gain, or other symptoms of low testosterone, nettle leaf extract might help you out.

Boron – 8mg

It’s important to note that not all of the testosterone making its way throughout your body is free testosterone (the kind you want to have a lot of). Fortunately, research shows that something called boron can help solve this problem.

Boron is something that increases your testosterone’s metabolism. To put it another way, boron helps ensure that your body is creating as much free testosterone as possible. Numerous studies found that even trace amounts of boron can drastically increase someone’s testosterone concentration.

Bioperine – 5mg

One cool thing I found out while preparing my Testogen review is that you can tell the company behind this product wants it to work well for everyone. This is why each serving of Testogen includes five milligrams of Bioperine. Don’t worry if you’re unaware of this ingredient – it’s not one you typically see in most supplements.

However, I’m glad that Bioperine is in Testogen because this ingredient boosts the effectiveness of all other ingredients in this supplement by up to 30%!

Korean Red Ginseng Extract – 40mg

One of the most well-known natural herbs is ginseng. With that in mind, a powerful form of this ingredient is Korean red ginseng. This herb is commonly known to increase your testosterone levels and enhance your libido.

Recent research found that men who took Korean red ginseng experienced a 60% improvement regarding their erectile dysfunction symptoms.

Fenugreek Extract – 40mg

When you take a closer look at average dietary supplements, you’ll see that many of them contain an ingredient called fenugreek extract. This is because fenugreek is an incredibly effective and natural way to build lean muscle mass.

Fenugreek contains what are known as furostanolic saponins. While this term might sound a bit unfamiliar, it means that fenugreek’s saponins block the enzymes in your body that convert testosterone into estrogen.

A recent study involving 50 men found that those who took fenugreek daily saw their testosterone levels increase by as much as 46%!

Zinc – 10mg

One of the most vital ingredients that your body depends on is zinc. You can get zinc from foods like breakfast cereals, red meat, beans, and poultry. Certain kinds of milk are also fortified with zinc. While it’s found in many beverages and foods, most people still struggle to get enough zinc in their respective diets.

Fortunately, each serving of Testogen includes 10 milligrams of zinc. By increasing your zinc levels, you can help ensure your body is producing as much natural testosterone as possible. Zinc does this by acting as an antioxidant and reducing damage to your body’s Leydig cells.

Vitamin K1

Like Bioperine, vitamin K1 is an ingredient mentioned in this Testogen review that helps to increase how well your body absorbs the other ingredients in this supplement.

Vitamin B6

Numerous studies show that not getting enough vitamin B6 not only lowers your testosterone levels but can also increase how much estrogen you produce. Fortunately, consuming more vitamin B6 can help take care of this problem.

When you absorb vitamin B6, you can start achieving a higher overall level of health and wellness.

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How Does Testogen Work?

bottle of testogen

Testogen contains many ingredients. Because of that, Testogen works to help you increase testosterone production in several ways. This part of my Testogen review covers how this supplement works and what it can do for you.

Stimulating Natural Testosterone Production

One process Testogen helps with is that it stimulates testosterone production. Even if it doesn’t feel like it, men have natural testosterone that’s always flowing through their bodies. Unfortunately, for a wide range of reasons, some men have much less testosterone flowing through their bodies than other guys.

By causing the luteinizing hormone to work harder, Testogen stimulates your cells to begin making more testosterone. The ingredients that help this process occur are D-aspartic acid, zinc, and vitamins D and K.

Increasing Your Free Testosterone Levels

When learning about ways to increase your testosterone, you might have learned the shocking fact that you can’t use about 98% of the testosterone that’s flowing throughout your body. Unfortunately, most of your testosterone binds to the various molecules in your blood. Once it binds to this part of your body, you’re not going to be able to use it.

Fortunately, Testogen prevents this process from happening. When your testosterone isn’t bound to molecules flowing throughout your body, you can experience the muscle-building benefits of having more free testosterone.

Testogen Benefits

person running on a treadmill

Before you start using any supplement, it’s understandable to wonder about the benefits it can provide. As you’ll soon learn, there are quite a few beneficial reasons to start using Testogen.

Increasing Your Testosterone Levels

Most likely, you are reading this article because you’re looking for a fast and effective way to boost your testosterone. Fortunately, you can find exactly what you need by trying out Testogen. This supplement utilizes a proven three-step process to support healthy testosterone levels.

Better Workouts

I knew that I was loving this product already but I was really curious about how it helped my workouts. In between the one to two-week point of preparing this review Testogen, I noticed I was able to work out longer than before and could lift heavier weight than normal.

For example, where I would normally tire out after 3 sets, after taking Testogen, I could easily go to 4 and sometimes 5 sets. It was like I could push my body further than I had before without it feeling like I was going to tire myself out.

Having More Energy

Another great benefit of using Testogen is that it helps to increase your energy. Testogen contains ingredients that are natural energy boosters. Plus, you also gain more energy when your testosterone levels increase.

Taking my four Testogen capsules in the morning always provided me with a nice boost of energy that lasted throughout the day. Since it contains no caffeine, this supplement also pairs well with a nice coffee or pre-workout supplement.

Faster Muscle Gains

If you can lift weights for longer, you will grow muscle. If you lift heavier weights than normal, you will grow. If you can do both, as I and many others have in our Testogen reviews, you will bulk up faster than ever before.

I noticed that I was lifting more weight and working out longer while using this supplement.

For instance, my bench press and squats were two exercises I really started gaining strength at. And this is from someone that doesn’t find squats to be an easy task.

Libido Increase

If you’re dealing with low testosterone, you probably know that one of the side effects of this condition is experiencing a lack of desire for intimacy. This is caused by low libido, something men with low testosterone often deal with.

Fortunately, raising your testosterone levels also increases your desire and drive in the bedroom. From personal experience, I can definitely verify that this supplement should noticeably raise your libido. For this reason, Testogen can be a good dietary supplement to help treat erectile dysfunction.

Having an Easier Time Losing Weight

As most people get older, they find it harder to keep extra weight off as they did when they were younger. If you’re dealing with this problem, there are several proven ways to overcome it. However, what some men don’t know is that increasing their testosterone levels can help solve this problem.

When your body’s ability to naturally produce testosterone starts to wear off, it can also cause you to have less energy and feel fatigued more often. By trying Testogen, you might be able to get rid of that excess body fat that’s been bothering you.

Experiencing a Better Overall Mood

Your hormones play many important roles within your body. Unfortunately, imbalance hormones can wreak havoc on both your body and mind. Oftentimes, men with hormone imbalances can experience frequent mood swings. This situation can sometimes cause you to feel angry, sad, or depressed in an instant.

If your body is lacking testosterone, restoring this imbalance should provide you with a positive mood. Since a hormone imbalance is no longer a problem, your mood should begin stabilizing.

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Pros and Cons of Testogen:



My Personal Testogen Review


Being so curious about Testogen, I figured that I would try everything they had to offer. With that in mind, I ordered one bottle of Testogen and the Instant Test Booster. After waiting just a few days, my products arrived!

1st Week

In the beginning of this Testogen review, as is often the case with testosterone supplements, I didn’t feel much. I would say for the first five days, there was no noticeable difference in how I felt or performed. Fortunately, that changed on day six.

As I was about to wrap up the first week, I started my morning as I did any other. I took the four capsules of Testogen with breakfast. Next, I followed that up with one serving of the Instant Test Booster. On this day, I woke up feeling more energized. Throughout this day, it was easy to stay positive and on-task. I also had a great workout after work that evening.

2nd Week

This week was when things really started getting good. I began noticing that I could push myself harder than normal while working out. At first, it started when I could do a few more reps than normal. By the end of my second week of preparing my Testogen review, I was able to start lifting more weight than I normally could.

3rd Week

Things remained great throughout my third week of using Testogen. During this time, I noticed an increase in my overall hunger. If this happens to you, and you’re trying to lose weight, it could be beneficial to have some healthier snacks around the house.

My workouts remained great during this week. I was continuing to notice more strength and feeling less drained after a good exercise session. I also felt more level-headed about situations that might normally cause me to freak out.

Final Week

By the fourth week, I was reaching the end of my one-month supply of both Testogen and the Instant Test Booster drops. I have to admit, I was a little sad that this review and journey were coming to an end. However, I was extremely happy about how I looked and felt.

After trying this supplement for a little over a month to prepare this Testogen review, I had gained about seven pounds of lean muscle. I also dropped my body fat percentage by 4.8%. Overall, I was extremely impressed with Testogen. This supplement and the testosterone boosting drops will definitely be something I keep around in my stack of supplements.

What Do Other People Think About Testogen?

question mark

When you’re learning more about a supplement, it’s always helpful to hear what more than one person thinks. A quick search online for Testogen reviews yields a ton of good feedback. In fact, there were over 200 positive Testogen reviews only on the product’s official website that I saw.

In addition to those amazing figures, many people claim that this is one of the best supplements they have ever tried. Clearly, there are many who feel that Testogen is the real deal. However, no supplement will work 100% of the time for everyone. Some people had success with it, while others did not.

As for what people don’t like about Testogen, a few people didn’t like the fact that they did not receive their products. From looking at these people’s complaints, it looks like Testogen got in touch with them and re-shipped the order. This is usually an inevitable downside of ordering supplements online.

Testogen Instant Test Booster Drops

When boosting testosterone levels, you have a lot of options. Considering that, you might also think about getting improved body composition and higher energy levels by trying Testogen Instant Test Booster Drops.

Unlike Testogen capsules, as you might have guessed, you simply use the drops by spraying a spray under your tongue.

These drops can help increase your free testosterone levels. However, these drops aren’t actual testosterone. Instead, they contain a wide range of proven ingredients that can help increase testosterone levels, including:

If you’re looking for another way to boost your muscle mass, these drops do pair well with Testogen capsules. Consider combining these two supplements if you want a faster way to boost your testosterone levels and muscle growth.

Are There Any Testogen Side Effects?

Fortunately, Testogen is not known to cause any side effects. This is because Testogen contains only natural ingredients. With that said, there are many ingredients in each serving of Testogen. Because of all of these ingredients being present in Testogen, it’s possible that you might be one of the rare few who notice side effects while using Testogen.

Some of the following side effects a select few people experience with these supplements can include:

Where to Buy Testogen?

testogen order page

If you’re interested in buying this supplement after reading my Testogen review, you’ll need to know where to find it. At this time, Testogen is not available in stores. I’m not sure why, but it’s impossible to find anywhere.

I also searched major supplement retailers and it wasn’t on their websites either. At least, it wasn’t at the time of this writing.

Fortunately, you can buy Testogen online by visiting While only being able to order through one website doesn’t give you many options, they do offer free shipping. Considering how expensive shipping is now, this is a major perk.

Another thing I like about ordering through Testogen’s official website is that they usually have promo codes that give you anywhere from 10-20% off of your purchase.

Something else that’s quickly worth mentioning in this review is that Testogen offers a 100 day money back guarantee on this supplement. This guarantee means that, if you’re unhappy with Testogen after ordering it, you have 100 days to return it and get your money back. The multi-day money back guarantee is a nice thing to have offered to you as a customer.

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How Much Does Testogen Cost?

One bottle of Testogen, which is a full 30-day supply costs $59.99. If you want to save money on your order, you’ll want to check out Testogen’s product bundles. Here’s more information about these bundles to help you decide what option you prefer:

If you want to achieve the best possible results, Testogen also offers a product bundle that contains both Testogen and the Instant Test Booster Drops. Should you decide to buy one of these bundles, here’s how much they cost and how much you can save if you buy in bulk:

Extra Bonuses for Ordering Testogen

If you’re like me, you like getting free bonuses when you buy something. Fortunately, the minds behind Testogen feel the same way. When you order Testogen, you’ll receive three free gifts.

The first gifts you’ll get are two free guides. These guides provide you with two complete full-body training plans that last 10 weeks each. Best of all, these training systems are incredibly flexible. This type of flexibility makes it easy to adjust these programs to your needs, whether you’re a beginner or looking for something more advanced.

The second bonus gift is an incredible recipe book that I’ve gotten a lot of use from recently. This cookbook contains 40 recipes specifically meant to help keep men healthy. Plus, many of these recipes are fast and easy. And, that’s from someone who doesn’t consider himself to be a great cook.

Lastly, you’ll also get exclusive videos from Testogen’s brand ambassador and fitness expert, Will Pounder. Each week, you’ll receive videos that cover a wide range of topics aimed at anyone trying to live a healthier life.

Is There a Testogen Refund Policy?

Before you buy any workout supplement, it makes sense to learn what options you have if it doesn’t work for you. Fortunately, Testogen has an awesome refund policy for people who didn’t get great results from this supplement.

Testogen offers a 100-day unconditional money-back guarantee. If you feel that Testogen didn’t provide any results, you can simply send this company an email. After someone from this company can verify your information, they’ll send you a refund.

Keep in mind that Testogen will deduct $15 from your refund to cover shipping and administrative costs.

What’s the Testogen Shipping Process Like?

When it comes to Testogen’s shipping process, it couldn’t be easier. Fortunately, Testogen offers free shipping to almost any country in the world. When you’re ready to check out, you should see the free shipping option automatically applied to your order.

I live in the United States and was able to receive my order within four business days, which is especially awesome considering that I paid nothing in shipping costs.

How Soon Will Testogen Start Showing Results?

It typically takes between one to two weeks before you start seeing results with Testogen. Almost all natural testosterone boosters need time to build up within your body. I’ve never seen a testosterone booster that provides instant results.

I know that it’s not fun getting told you’ll need to wait a week or two before you start noticing results. But, trust me, once the results arrive, they will likely blow you away. Remember, you’ll want to combine Testogen with an exercise and diet program to get the most noticeable and longest-lasting results.

Is Testogen Right for Me?


Lastly, I wanted to wrap up this Testogen review by helping you decide if this supplement is right for you. One of the main determinations to make that will help you get the most from Testogen is whether or not you have a testosterone deficiency.

Testosterone deficiency symptoms include:

If you are suffering from low testosterone symptoms, I would recommend giving Testogen a try. You might even find that Testogen can improve your workout results if you’re not dealing with low T.

Who Shouldn’t Try Testogen?

There’s no doubt that Testogen is effective. With that said, some people shouldn’t try this supplement. Here’s more information about a few people who probably should avoid trying Testogen.

Anyone Under the Age of 18

Since low testosterone typically happens with age, it’s unlikely that anyone under the age of 18 needs to boost testosterone levels.

If you’re under the age of 18, you’ll need to speak with a parent or guardian about making a doctor’s appointment. Then, a medical professional can learn more about you and recommend if testosterone replacement therapy or something similar is the right solution.

Women Who Are Pregnant or Nursing

If you’re a woman who’s either nursing or pregnant, it’s not advisable to take Testogen or any other testosterone boosting supplements, for that matter. During the pregnancy process, a female’s body needs to produce lots of estrogen. This hormone contributes to a baby’s healthy development.

When you use Testogen, it depletes estrogen in the body. If you plan on taking any health supplements during your pregnancy, make sure to mention which ones you want to take to a medical professional.

People Who Have Underlying Medical Conditions

While made with natural ingredients, Testogen is still quite a powerful supplement. Therefore, people with underlying medical conditions should consult with a medical professional before using any kind of supplements like Testogen. The power of this supplement rivals many crazy bulking stacks.


Testogen Instant Test Booster Drops

By this point, you’ve read quite a lot of information from my Testogen review. However, you might not know that this company recently released a more highly concentrated version of Testogen. Known as Testogen Instant Testosterone Booster, this supplement is available in liquid form.

This supplement has several major benefits, including helping you to:

For the best possible results, Testogen recommends combining the drops and capsules together as part of your supplement regimen.

Conclusion: Is Testogen One of the Best Testosterone Boosters?

Testogen is so close to being a perfect testosterone booster supplement. It works amazingly well. If you are tired of going to the gym and feeling like you are always playing catch up, Testogen is a great way to up the results that you are used to getting.

This supplement is also caffeine-free, which is good if you either can’t ingest this ingredient or want to pair it with your morning coffee.

If you don’t mind waiting a week or two to take your workouts to a whole new level, I highly recommend Testogen. Sometimes, there’s no room in your budget for supplements and I totally get that. If you’re looking for a better option than what I presented in my Testogen review, check out some tips to get free bodybuilding supplement samples.

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